W Road Maintenance Services AB [WRMS]; is contracted and official sales partner for PeelJet® and TrackJet® technology, developed by Weigel Hochdrucktechnik (Est 1981). The technology is since 1 January 2015 produced by company Winter Grun Marking technology in Wilnsdorf/Siegen, Tyskland.

WRMS AB provides also, on non-exclusive basis, road marking machinery from company Winter Grun Marking Technology.

On occasion and special request, WRMS AB can provide special machinery from other producers; where Winter Grun Marking Technology does not provide the required equipment. (F.i. 60 litres Hotsprayplastic machine (and other sizes not provided by Winter Grun), handspraymachine 1:1 cold plastic for inmixed aggregates, Symbol-marking equipment, as well as used machines through contact network. Also friction measurement devices and more).