Partner in Thermoplastic; produces TP for Extrusion, Agglomerate, Hand application och Hot Spray plastic. Partner is working with all types of binders (Organic, Acrylate and Alkyd).

All products are produced under ISO 9001 quality system and the European standards defined under Technical Committee (TC) 226, Working Group (WG) 2; when it comes to performance properties defined in BSEN 1436; as well as the physical performance criteria’s defined under BSEN 1871.

Delivery control of raw materials and/or raw material performance and quality certificates; secure quality and stability in ingoing components; as well as traceable raw materials is extracted from each production batch (”Fingerprints”).
The Thermoplastic is certified following British Standard Institute (BSI) road test deck over 12 months; with a measured value of; RL Dry 291 (R4) / RL Wet 58 (RW3) / Beta value 43 (B3) / x,y co-ords White / SRT 51 (S2) / Qd 215 (Q4)
In addition there are certificates from Aetec and/or test decks.