Rubber removal at airports
Rubber removal (or marking removal) at airports
When aircrafts are landing will be built up a rubber layer from the thermal effect when the rubber tire touch down at the runway. These rubber deposits generates over time poor friction values; which increases the risk for sliding accidents. This has unfortunately been reckognized in several countries. ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation); FAA and IATA are all giving recommendations in this fields; prescribing that the rubber shall be removed under certauin conditions; with an effective method. Cleaning frequency is obviously connected with the amount of touch downs; but it vary normally from once to several times a year. WRMS holds more and detailed information in this subject.

The TrackJet® technolgy is informed to be the world marking leading technology in this area; with more than 200 runways cleaned; and 35 machines sold to airports
The reason is the unique TrackJet® multiple nozzle disc configuration; which optimizes a deep cleaning, without destroying your runway.
We advice you to be careful with unserious suppliers of machines and contracting services. There are some real fake values provided in respect of capacity. Everybody can put water on a surface with up to 3.000 sqm/hrs – however; all serious technology provider knows what the actual and real removal ratio will be. We have been working side by side with most technologies; and we know we all have a similar capacity – whilst we TrackJet® technology; provides a higher quality in work.

WRMS sells machines and executes contracting services (however not in competition with existing clients) of the TrackJet® technology.
At Winter Grun’s machine (formally Weigel) you can easy shift in between the TrackJet® / PeelJet® head; and execute precise and exact removals of rubbers and/or markings.
We have also executed several projects of deepcleaning of concrete surface before re-surfacing; and/or marking at concrete Runways.
Cleaning of de-icing zones and chemical zones are also executed. However results can not be guaranteed when fuel have dissolved bitumen surfaces.